Acronyms used in the text:


CEFAS: Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science

MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

NGO: Non-Governmental Organisations

SERAD: Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department

SMRU: Sea Mammal Research Unit



ACCOBAMS: Agreement on the Conservation of the Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean and Contiguous Atlantic area

ASCOBANS: Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas

CEC: Commission of the European Community

CFP: Common Fisheries Policy

COP: Conference of the Parties

DIFMAR: Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research

ECS: European Cetacean Society

IFREMER: Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'exploitation de la Mer

MAP: Mediterranean Action Plan

NAMMCO: North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission

SAC: Special Area of Conservation (under Habitats Directive)

SCANS: [Survey of] Small Cetaceans Abundance of the North Sea (and Adjacent Waters)

TAC: Total Allowable Catches



DWF: Distant Water Fleet

ESA: Endangered Species Act

ETP: Eastern Tropical Pacific

FWS: Fisheries and Wildlife Service

IATTC: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission

ICNAF: International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries

MFCMA: Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act

MMC: Marine Mammal Commission

MMPA: Marine Mammal Protection Act

NEFSC: Northeast Fisheries Science Centre

NMFS: National Marine Fisheries Service

NOAA : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

PBR: Potential Biological Removal

TRP: Take Reduction Plan

TRT: Take Reduction Team

ZMRG: Zero Mortality Rate Goal



COSEWIC: Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada


CWP: Co-ordinated Working Party

EEZ: Economic Exclusion Zone

ICES: International Commission for the Exploration of the Sea

IFAW: International Fund for Animal Welfare

IUCN: International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

IWC: International Whaling Commission

UNCLOS: United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme



ADD: Acoustic Deterrent Device

BRD: By-catch Reduction Device

SSD: Seal Saver Device

TDR: Time Depth Recorder

TED: Turtle Excluder Device

WO: Weigh-Out