EUROPEAN CETACEAN BYCATCH CAMPAIGN"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
Military DolphinsAnimals go to War - Extract from "The Rose-Tinted Menagerie"US Navy - Marine Mammal Program Dolphins in the military:'s positionAnnotated Bibliography of Publications from the U.S. Navy's Marine Mammal Program Guerre Iraq - USA 2003 / Military dolphins in IraqMarine mammals are at risk from human influences - 24th May 2004Dolphins, US Navy “click” in fighting terrorism - 1st March 2004Defenders of the deep - 14th April 2003Panhandle Navy research may let mine hunting dolphins retire - 4th April 2003Takoma the dolphin goes AWOL - 29th March 2003Dolphins have no peer when it comes to finding mines - 28th March 2003Trained dolphins assist in mine location - 27th March 2003Trained animals helping Navy clear vital port of Umm Qasr - 27th March 2003Dolphins clear mines the natural way - 27th March 2003Dolphins did not volunteer for war animal rights activists say - 27th March 2003Dolphins used to clear Iraq's only port for humanitarian shipments - 26th March 2003US Military dolphin photograph - 26th March 2003Conflict in Iraq - Dolphins join the coalition - 25th March 2003 U.S. enlists dolphins to aid war effort - 25th March 2003Careers bloom anew for former Soviet navy dolphins - 4th July 2002Purpose Of Iranís dolphin purchase unclear - 15th March 2000Let slip the sea lions of war - 11th March 2003Iranians buy Soviet 'killer' dolphins - the Green party of Iran - 10th March 2000Iran buys Kamikzaze dolphins - 8th March 2000Marineland quietly imports three whales from a Russian military facility- 1st June 1999Body of dolphin washed ashore on Baltic Sea coast - August 1998Dolphin Traders - N. Entrup & D. Carlidge - WDCS May 1998 - 120KB pdfNavy dolphin locates sunken boat in San Diego harbour - 22nd August 1997The Dolphins of War - Dive International PublishingAnimals in the Service of the Military produced 24th November 1991