Let Your Voice Be Heard
The European Cetacean Bycatch Campaign
Join us and participate in
EUROPEAN FISH FREE WEEK 6 ~ Dec 30th 2005 – Jan 5th 2006
BOYCOTT ALL FISH PRODUCTS during this week, and write to the following:
1) Your MP and MEP explaining your reasons for supporting the fish boycott, and requesting that he / she do likewise.
2) Ben Bradshaw MP,
UK Minister for Fisheries & Animal Welfare,
Nobel House,
17 Smith Square,
explaining your reasons for supporting the fish boycott, and requesting that the Government comply with the EU Habitats & Species Directive.
3) Commissioner Joe Borg,
EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Fisheries,
200, Rue de la Loi,
explaining your reasons for supporting the fish boycott, and requesting that the Common Fisheries Policy be amended to incorporate a Cetacean Bycatch Response Strategy, and that EC Regulations No.104/2000 and No. 2065/2001, which relate to the labelling of fish products, be amended to incorporate METHOD OF CAPTURE, as consumers wish to know which fishing methods have been used in obtaining the fish that they purchase.
4) Supermarkets and fish processors - explaining your reasons for supporting the fish boycott, and requesting that they provide the consumer with fish caught using fishing methods which do not result in the deaths of cetaceans i.e.. handlines, and pole and lines. There are only two such products available in UK supermarkets – canned tuna from the Maldives, caught using pole and line, and fresh mackerel caught using handlines by Cornish fishermen and certified by the MSC - the only MSC certified product to be endorsed by ECBC.
5) Commercial Fishermen's Organisations - explaining your reasons for supporting the fish boycott, and requesting that their members implement cetacean bycatch mitigation measures similar to those used by fishermen in the United States and New Zealand.
The postal addresses of supermarkets can be found on the labels of "own brand" products, and the e-mail addresses are available on their web sites.
UNILEVER is one of the largest companies in Europe trading in fish products.
Please contact Unilever UK by e-mailing via
UK Commercial Fishermen's Organisations.
Chairman - Mr. A. Locker
National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
Marsden Road, Fish Docks, Grimsby. DN31 3 SG.
Tel. 01472 352141
CEO - Sam Lambourn
Cornish Fish Producers Organisation
The Strand, Newlyn, Cornwall. TR18 5HW.
Tel. 01736 351050
Common dolphin in net - © WDCS
Chief Executive
Bertie Armstrong bertie@sff.co.uk
Scottish Fishermen's Federation (SFF) / SFF Services Limited (SFFS)
24 Rubislaw Terrace,
Aberdeen, AB10 1XE
Tel. 01224 646944
CEO Iain MacSween
Scottish Fishermen's Organisation,
601, Queensferry Road, Edinburgh. EH4 6EA
Tel. 0131 339 7972
South Western Fish Producer's Organisation (SWFPO)
Chief Executive Officer
Jim Portus
Braehead (SFO Enterprises) Limited (Pelagic Processing Division)
26 Denmark Street
Fraserburgh AB43 9EY
Tel. 01346 519254
Derek Duthie,
Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association,
1 Frithside Street, Fraserburgh. AB43 9AR
Tel. 01346 510714
Fleet operators
W. Stevenson & Sons,
Fishmarket, The Strand, Newlyn, Cornwall, TR18 5HW.
Tel. 01736 362998
InterFish Ltd.
Wallsend Industrial Estate, Cattedown Road
Cattedown, Plymouth, PR4 ORW,
Tel. 01752 267261,