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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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The Marine Connection

The Marine Connection are working alongside other NGO's and concerned individuals to raise awareness of the drastic continuing problem of dolphins, whales and other marine life which are killed in their thousands during many commercial fishing practices.  With the support of British Divers Marine Life Rescue the Marine Connection are hosting awareness days throughout the course of "No Fish Week" which commences 22nd April 2002.    

The charity will be visiting Brighton, Portsmouth and London with this educational road show and hope that many of you will come along to support this campaign to stop the needless suffering and death of these wonderful creatures.  

Friday 26th April       Churchill Square Shopping Centre, Brighton
Saturday 27th April     Cascades Shopping Centre, Portsmouth
Sunday 28th April       Covent Garden Piazza, London


Representatives of the charity will be there from 10am to 5pm, so please come along, visit our information stand and see a life-size dolphin but most importantly, learn what YOU can do to help the dolphins and whales around the UK coastline.
