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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"

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Fisheries and Maritime Affairs

Directorate General Fisheries Report - European Distant Water Fleets - pdf (6.8Mb)

Borg confirms gradual but sustained approach to fish stock recovery – 22nd December 2005

Legal action against UK over insufficient cetacean protection - 20th December 2005

Thematic Strategy on the Protection and Conservation of the Marine Environment pdf 155KB [COM504] 21st October 2005

Commission welcomes Court ruling on continued failure by France to comply with fisheries obligations - 12th July 2005

Commission launches debate on eco-labelling of fisheries products – 29th June 2005

EU survey reveals consumers willing to pay more for better animal welfare – 8th June 2005

Serious infringements of the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy in 2003 - 30th May 2005

Commission calls for urgent improvement in CFP compliance – 30th May 2005

Commission decides not to ban pair trawls - 23rd April 2005

EU sabotages protection of deep sea coral - 22nd November 2004

EU fisheries policy still unsustainable - 30th July 2004

Promoting more environmentally-friendly fishing methods - EC DG Fisheries - pdf 152KB - 21st June 2004

Anger at rules to save dolphins - 24th March 2004

EU decides to better protect dolphins - 23rd March 2004

Commission proposes aid programme for enforcement of CFP rules - 20th November 2003

Scientific advice confirms Fisheries Commission fears - 20th October 2003

Ices advises Fisheries Commission zero catches of cod and other fish stocks - 20th October 2003

EU fisheries policy an outrage - 6th October 2003

Developing nations are “set to dominate world fishing” - 3rd October 2003

Commission proposes EU action to protect European eels - 2nd October 2003

Whaling & eco-sensitive issues, advice from Commissioner Fischler to Iceland - 11th August 2003

Fischler objects to Iceland resumption of whaling - 11th August 2003

Avoiding accidental catches of cetaceans in fishing gear - 28th July 2003

Fisheries: Commission acts to protect dolphins and porpoises - 24th July 2003

EU plans for dolphin-friendly Baltic - 23rd July 2003

"Who plays by the fisheries rules?" - Commission launches public compliance scoreboard on the internet - 16th June 2003

Common Fisheries Policy Compliance Scoreboard - 11th June 2003

Background Notes for Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 11 & 12 June 2003 - 6th June 2003

European Commission decides UK fish quota schemes incompatible with rules - 3rd June 2003

Outcome of Agriculture / Fisheries Council of May 2003 - 27th May 2003

Commission press releases 2003 - (posted 8th May 2003)

A long-term recovery plan for cod, Dr. Franz Fischler's speech - 6th May 2003

Commission proposes long-term recovery plan for cod - 6th May 2003

WTO: fisheries subsidies - EU tables proposal for sustainable fishing - 22nd April 2003

EU bans trawling for cod in Baltic waters until September - 15th April 2003

Results of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 8 April 2003 - 9th April 2003

Commission proposes a "Community Fisheries Control Agency" - 24th March 2003

Danes ready to flout new fisheries rules - 5th February 2003

Outcome of the Fisheries Council of 27/28 January 2003 - published 29th January 2003

Preparation Agriculture/Fisheries Council of January 2003

Commissioner Fischler says agree on reforms, or no more subsidies 12th December 2002

Commission proposes significant reductions in fishing catches to fend off moratorium on cod fisheries in 2003 ~ DN: IP/02/1843 ~ 11th December 2002

Serious breaches of CFP ‘highlight need for reform’ 6th December 2002

EU Commission press release “Reports highlights serious infringements of CFP” - 5th December 2002

Outcome of the Agri/Fisheries Council of 27-28 November 2002

EU Fishing Subsidies Slammed in View of Cod Crisis 28th November 2002

Alternative to a moratorium on cod fisheries a strengthened recovery plan for cod 27th November 2002

Guide prices for fisheries products in 2003 proposed increases for almost all species

Dr. Franz Fischler - Discussion meeting with the Irish Fisheries Organisations 11th November 2002

Commission Fish Aid Plan is heavily criticised - 7th November 2002

EU chief's £400m aid plan for cod crisis attacked - 7th November 2002

Commission proposes Action Plan to counter the socio-economic impact of stock depletion

Common Fisheries Policy Reform_Commission Documents

Commission tables strategy for fish farming to benefit jobs consumers and environment

Small Cetacean By-catch in Fisheries

Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy - Margot Wallström SPEECH/02/219 - 21 May 2002

New Measures to protect Dolphins - May 2002

European Commission Statement on "By-catches of dolphins in fishing gear"

Formal complaint against the Government of Sweden

High contaminant level Baltic caught oily fish no longer EU marketable - 21st November 2001

Consumers to get more information on fisheries products - 22nd October 2001

EU Commission Fisheries - Community Expenditure Relating to the Fisheries Sector -7th February 2001

European Commission’s Directorate-General for Fisheries Statement - The necessary European Union ban on drift nets

Commissioner Fischler’s Letter to Member States - December 2000

Scales and Rates of assistance to fishing fleets for the scrapping of a 15-year old vessel

Evaluation of the State of Knowledge Concerning By-catches of Cetaceans

Fishing industry - areas of assistance and measures (1994 - 1999)

European Commission - FISHERIES - Hyper linked list of Fisheries Related Web sites