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Brussels, 20 November 2002


Guide prices for fisheries products in 2003: proposed increases for almost all species.

The European Commission has issued its annual proposal on EU guide prices for fresh and frozen fisheries products as well as for tuna for processing for 2003. The prices of fisheries products have generally been increasing since 1999. This continues to be due to the overall scarcity of resources and increasing consumer demand, particularly in the case of white fish species.

The Commission proposes that increases in guide prices for white fish be kept at a modest level - between 1 to 2.5% - that compensates for inflation without threatening the competitiveness of the EU processing industry. Overall, increases for pelagic species are higher - between 1 to 3% - as demand grows thanks to the improved image of small-pelagic species world-wide. These increases - of between 1 to 3% - are also mirrored in the case of frozen fish with the exception of hake and swordfish (-1 and - 1.5% respectively) for which world market prices have fallen. The trend is less positive for crustaceans and this is reflected in the Commission's proposal for either no change or some small reductions in prices.

White fish
The increase proposed in guide prices varies from 1% for ling, megrim and monkfish to 1.5% for saithe, and hake and up to 2.5% for cod and whiting. In contrast, prices for haddock, plaice and spotted dogfish would be reduced by 1% and by 2% for dab. Flounder and sole would remain at the same level as this year's.

Pelagic species
The buoyancy of the market for pelagic species is reflected in the increases proposed by the Commission for these species. They vary from 1% for sardines to 3% for herring and mackerel while no change is proposed for anchovy.


Uncertainties in the market and outlook for crustaceans are reflected in the proposal for a cut of 1% for northern prawns and edible crab while the current prices for Norway lobster and shrimp would be maintained.

Frozen products

Prices for frozen fish have also increased over the past year for a majority of species. This is reflected in the proposed increases ranging from 1% for Greenland halibut to 3% for sea bream. In contrast, reductions of 1% for hake and 1.5% for swordfish are proposed to reflect lower prices on the international market.

Tuna for processing

Tuna prices have increased steadily over the past year. As catches are expected to be lower in the coming months, the Commission recommends an increase of 1% in the EU producer price for 2003.

The aim of the guide prices system is to help secure producers' income by contributing to the stabilisation of prices while enhancing the competitiveness of Community fisheries businesses on world markets.
The Commission proposals are based on Member States' average market prices over the previous three years. Other important factors also taken into account when proposing new guide prices include changes in production levels (quotas) and market demand, as well as the interests of consumers and the need to avoid withdrawals of fisheries products from the market.
Annex: Guide price proposal for fisheries products in 2003

Annex: Guide price proposal for fisheries products in 2003 (Click for Download of MS XLS File)
