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EDM 242
ATLANTIC FRONTIER 26.01.99 Baker/Norman
. That this House recognises the United Kingdom's Atlantic Frontier ocean wilderness as comprising the most important range of habitats and migration routes in United Kingdom waters for many little-known and rare species of whales and dolphins, including the blue whale; recognises that oil development in this area potentially poses a number of serious threats to whales and dolphins; and urges the Government to propose the Atlantic Frontier continental shelf to UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
All signatures 33

EDM 116
. That this House welcomes the agreement of the creation of a whale sanctuary in the Mediterranean, which is 84,000 square kilometres off the coasts of Italy, France and Monaco, which will protect sperm, fin and pilot whales, Risso's dolphins and a host of animal and plant species; congratulates the Governments involved and praises the wildlife groups and scientists, in particular the World Wildlife Fund for Nature which have lobbied for the creation of a whale sanctuary for over 10 years; and notes that the adjacent land areas must reduce sewage and chemical pollutants and that steps should be taken to limit shipping including cruise liners and speed boats.
All signatures 39

EDM 126
WHALE SANCTUARY 30.11.99 Hoyle/Lindsay
. That this House welcomes the recent announcement of a vast sanctuary for whales being established in the Mediterranean, which contains a wealth of marine mammals including sperm and pilot whales; recognises this as a major step forward in the preservation of whales from countries which still pursue whale hunting; and calls on the Government to support and promote more whale sanctuaries throughout the world in order to prevent the possible extinction of many kinds of whales and marine mammals.
All signatures 63
EDM 602
. That this House notes with alarm the United Nations Report which predicts tigers in India will be wiped out in five years with the tiger population now under 3,000 due to the activities of the organised criminal gangs poaching thousands of big cats; welcomes the Government's proposal to recommend the immediate creation of a central wildlife criminal investigation unit in India; and calls on the Government to do all it can to stop the slaughter of tigers, whales, elephants and turtles in order to preserve these magnificent animals.
All signatures 101
EDM 946
WHALE SANCTUARY (No. 2) 11.07.00 Hoyle/Lindsay
. That this House notes with concern the opposition to the proposed whale sanctuary in the South Pacific from Japan and Norway, which want a 14-year old ban on commercial whaling lifted; welcomes the recommendation of a 4.7 million-square-mile sanctuary in the South Pacific in order to preserve the whale population in this part of the world; and calls on the British Government to continue to press for such a sanctuary during the annual meeting of the Whaling Commission.
All signatures 80
EDM 973
. That this House recognises that certain fisheries in European waters are killing, as a result of incidental bycatch, many thousands of dolphins and porpoises; acknowledges that EU legislation requires that bycatch of cetaceans be monitored and addressed; is concerned that despite clear evidence of the incidence of bycatch, particularly in pelagic trawls and gill net fisheries; there has been very little action on either a national or EU level to effectively reduce the mortality of cetaceans in fisheries; understands that bycatch of some species greatly exceeds levels that could be sustained by the populations; therefore calls upon the Government to take immediate action to address known bycatch problems, monitor and manage fisheries effectively to prevent dolphin and porpoise deaths occurring and close problem fisheries where bycatch is not being reduced; and urges the Government to press for the institutional and policy changes necessary to achieve these ends through the forthcoming meeting of the parties to ASCOBANS and the current review of EU Common Fisheries Policy.

All signatures 154

EDM 1140
. That this House condemns the international trade in bear bile, which involves the keeping and breeding of Asiatic bears in Asian bear farms, where conditions are extremely cruel and totally unsuitable, and which would be unacceptable in the UK; condemns the captivity and international trade in whales and dolphins, which subject animals to unacceptable conditions and high mortality; notes that the Plants and Animals Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species is meeting in the USA in December to discuss, amongst other issues, the registration of captive breeding facilities for endangered species and the trade therein; and calls on the United Kingdom Government to ensure that they adopt a precautionary approach at all times in order to prevent the possibility of the backdoor legalisation of these cruel and unsustainable international trades.
All signatures 47
EDM 41
. That this House notes with concern the rapidly declining population of dolphins and whales living off Britain's coastline, with 24 species facing possible extinction; expresses alarm at the thousands of creatures dying in fishing nets or through polluted waters; acknowledges the work done by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society in highlighting the extent of the problem faced; and calls on the Government to introduce measures that provide adequate protection for dolphins and whales in United Kingdom waters.
All signatures 97
EDM 56
That this House, recognising that there are over 20 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises in United Kingdom waters and that United Kingdom waters include the most important habitats in Europe for these animals; notes with grave concern the mounting evidence of threats to their survival from human activities including bycatch, noise, pollution and harassment; welcomes the launch of Dolphin Agenda 2000 at the House of Commons on 4th December by the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society with DIVE magazine; and draws attention to its proposals including the effective management of special areas of conservation and the development of a regional conservation plan for the Atlantic Frontier, and to the individual pledge form for those in a position of influence to sign and indicate their support.

All signatures 13

EDM 96
WHALING 09.07.01 Banks/Tony
. That this House congratulates Her Majesty's Government on the decision to reject Norway's application to survey minke whale populations in UK waters in light of Norway's continued whaling activities; condemns the recent announcement by the Icelandic ambassador that Iceland intends to resume commercial whaling next year; further notes that Iceland's decision flies in the face of world opinion; calls upon all nations present at this month's International Whaling Commission meeting in London to vote for a ban on all commercial and so-called 'scientific' whaling; and supports the move to create a South Pacific sanctuary for whales.
All signatures 100

