One Scottish pair trawler took 20 dolphins in a single hall, and it is reported that a French pair trawler took 50 dolphins in a single haul. However, as there were no observers present on French trawlers, this figure cannot be substantiated.
April – June 2001: Government figures show a significant increase in the number of cetacean strandings, for England and Wales, in comparison with the figures for the same period in 2000, and 1999. In 2001, the number of cetaceans which stranded on the beaches of Cornwall was the second highest on record, the highest being in 1992.
January 1st – February 5th 2002: 109 cetaceans, principally common dolphins, stranded on the beaches of southern England. 350 dolphins stranded on the beaches of France, during the same period. There have been many more strandings on the beaches of southern England since February 5th, and the figures are being collated. 150 dolphins stranded on one French beach, in 2 days.
Many of the animals that are found, display puncture wounds, made by fishermen in an attempt to make the bodies sink. Many also have no heads or tail flukes, which we understand happens when fishermen remove the animals from the net or fish pump. Post - mortem results have shown that some animals have been punctured whilst still alive.
Many dolphins die as a result of entanglement in purse seine nets, longlines, and other types of trawlers. However, there has been little research in European waters regarding these fishing methods, but evidence form the US, New Zealand and Australia suggests this to be the case.
January – April 2002 : Over 1000 dolphins, mainly common dolphins, were found on the beaches of Southwest England and Western France.