Prey depletion |
The West of Scotland holds many important fishing grounds, however, a large proportion of fishermen operating in this area are not from West Scotland, but originate from other Scottish regions (e.g. Aberdeen) or Europe (e.g. Spain). As mentioned previously, many local fishermen have turned to exploiting shellfisheries, partly because reduced fish stocks have made it commercially unviable for small-scale, local operators in West Scotland. Many commercially important fish species caught in the region, such as herring and mackerel, are also important prey species for cetaceans. |
Fisheries |
Another impact of Scottish fisheries upon the marine ecosystem is the obliteration of swathes of seabed by beam trawling. As fisheries effort increases in West Scotland, in the pursuit of fewer fish, so does the amount of damage to marine life on the seabed. One of the problems with trawl fisheries, particularly in coastal areas, is that the seabed is not left to recover before being trawed again. If coastal waters were managed by local fishing organisations, which allowed seabed recovery before re-trawling, it would not only increase the yields of fishermen, but also help protect the habitat and prey of whales and dolphins. However, this is currently not possible as trawlers frequently come in to coastal waters from outside areas, with no knowledge of whether the seabed has been recently trawled or not. |
Oil exploration |
In addition to the potential risk from oil-related pollution as mentioned above, the oil industry also poses a threat to cetaceans with respect to the degradation of their habitats. Several oil companies are currently conducting a series of seismic surveys off the coast of the Outer Hebrides in a search for new oil fields. The area in which these seismic surveys are being conducted is known to be inhabited by several species of cetacean, in particular beaked, bottlenosed, sperm, fin, sei and pilot whales and Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Northridge et al., 1995; Hughes et al., 1998; Lewis et al., 1998). Several scientists have highlighted the potential impacts of seismic surveys upon cetacean populations and have expressed concern about the resulting degradation of cetacean habitat (e.g. Evans and Nice, 1996; Gordon and Moscrop, 1996; Swift, 1997). In a recent study off the Outer Hebrides, Swift (1997) monitored the acoustic behaviour of dolphins and sperm whales before, during and after seismic surveys and noted significant changes in their behaviour. The UK Government has recently issued the oil industry with a code of practice to attempt to reduce the impacts of seismic surveys upon cetaceans. This code of practice should prevent some effects of seismic testing (e.g. hearing damage) but the issue of habitat degradation and disturbance of cetaceans within breeding and resting grounds as the result of oil exploration still remains. |
Fish farms |
The fish farm industry has already been highlighted above as a major source of pollution and degradation within cetacean habitats. Another area in which fish farms cause an impact on coastal cetaceans is the use of acoustic harassment devices to scare seals away from fish farm cages ("seal scrammers"). These devices not only repel seals from fish farm sites, but could also exclude whales, dolphins and porpoises from breeding, feeding or resting sites. |
Shipping |
The West of Scotland has a substantial amount of shipping activity. Shipping can impact upon whale and dolphin populations in two ways. Firstly, collisions with shipping may injure or kill cetaceans. So far, this has not been reported in West Scotland. Secondly, the noise produced by shipping may cause disturbance, stress and degrade the habitats of cetaceans. Several scientists have reported changes in behaviour and distress reactions resulting from shipping-produced noise (Evans et al., 1992; Richardson, 1995; Gordon and Moscrop, 1996). |
Military Activities |
Vonk and Martin (1989), Simmonds and Lopez-Jurado (1991), and Frantzis and Cebrian (1999) have suggested that military activities, notably the testing of low fequency sonar, may have caused a mass stranding of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Canary Islands and the Ionian Sea. The West of Scotland is the site of many military exercises. In particular, submarine exercise areas occupy most waters in the region. The extensive use of sonar and a high density of submarine activity could disturb a variety of cetacean species in their feeding, breeding and resting grounds. |