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The European Cetacean Bycatch Campaign

EUROPEAN FISH FREE WEEK 3 ~ Dec 30th 2002 – Jan 5th 2003

Thousands of porpoises, dolphins and whales are dying in European waters each year, due to entanglement in fishing nets and lines.

There are measures that could be taken which would significantly reduce the number of deaths. However, those in a position to implement such measures, refuse to act.

We need your help to persuade them.

PLEASE participate in the European Cetacean Bycatch Campaign’s
EUROPEAN FISH FREE WEEK 3 ~ Dec 30th 2002 – Jan 5th 2003

If you eat fish, we ask that you
boycott all fish products during this week, and that you write to the politicians and organisations listed below.
Please remember to state that you are supporting the
fish boycott.

Your MP - requesting that he/she raises the issue of cetacean bycatch in your national parliament.

Your MEP - request that he/she raises the issue of cetacean bycatch in the European Parliament, and support the inclusion of a
Cetacean Bycatch Response Strategy in the Common Fisheries Policy

Your national Minister for Fisheries - requesting details of the measures that
your national government is taking in order to comply with the Habitats Directive, in relation to cetacean bycatch.

Mr. Franz Fischler, EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Fisheries, 200, Rue de la Loi, B-1049, Brussels, - requesting that the Common Fisheries Policy be amended to incorporate a Cetacean Bycatch Response Strategy, and that EC Regulations No.104/2000 and No. 2065/2001 be amended to incorporate METHOD OF CAPTURE, as consumers wish to know which fishing methods have been used.

Ms Margot Wallstrom, EU Commissioner for the Environment, 200, Rue de la Loi, B-1049, Brussels, - requesting that she sanction Member States for non compliance with the Habitats Directive, in relation to cetacean bycatch.

Mr.Philippe Busquin, EU Commissioner for Research, 200, Rue de la Loi, B-1049, Brussels, requesting that funding be allocated for research into cetacean bycatch mitigation measures.

Supermarkets and fish processors - requesting that they provide the consumer with fish products which have been obtained using fishing gear which does not result in the deaths of thousands of cetaceans, namely handlines, and pole and lines, and that METHOD OF CAPTURE be included in the information on the labels of all fish products.

Commercial Fishermen’s Organisations - requesting that their members
adopt cetacean bycatch mitigation measures.

(Addresses of the relevant UK organisations can be found on our web site).

Please help these intelligent, gentle, and beautiful creatures.

For further information, please contact or visit our web site
