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ASCOBANS 1997. Report of Second meeting of Parties, Bonn, 1997.

ASCOBANS 1999a. Report of the sixth advisory committee meeting, UK, April 1999.

ASCOBANS 1999b. Third annual Compilation of National reports. Bonn November 1999.

ASCOBANS 2000a. Report of Third meeting of Parties, UK, 2000.

ASCOBANS 2000b. Fourth Annual Compilation of Reports, Bonn July 2000.

ASCOBANS 2000c. Resolution 3, Report of Third meeting of Parties, UK, 2000.

ASCOBANS 2001. Report of the ASCOBANS Baltic Discussion Group, Jan 2001.

Berggren, P. 1994. Bycatches of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the Swedish

Skagerrak, Kattegat and Baltic Seas 1973�. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (special issue 15): 211�.

Berggren, P. and Arrhenius, F. 1995a. Sightings of harbour porpoises (
Phocoena phocoena) in Swedish waters before 1990. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (special issue 16): 99-107.

Berggren, P. and Arrhenius, F. 1995b. Densities and distribution of harbour porpoises (
Phocoena phocoena) in the Swedish Baltic, Kattegat and Skagerrak Seas. Rep. int. Whal. Commn
(special issue 16.): 109-121.

Berggren, P., Ishaq, R., Zebühr, Y., Näf, C., Bandh, C. and Broman, D. 1999a. Patterns and levels of organochlorine contaminants (DDTs, PCBs, non-
ortho PCBs and PCDD/Fs) in male harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Baltic Sea, the Kattegat-Skagerrak Seas and the West coast of Norway. Mar. Poll. Bull, 12: 1070-1084.

Berggren, P., Wade, P., Carlström, C. and Read, A.J. 1999b. Potential limits to anthropogenic

mortality for harbour porpoises in the Baltic region. ASCOBANS 6th Advisory Committee meeting, Aberdeen, Scotland 12-14 April 1999. Document 36.

Börjesson, P. and Berggren, P., 1997. Morphometric comparisons of skulls of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the Baltic, Kattegat and Skagerrak Seas. Can. J. Zool. 75: 280-287.

CMS/ASCOBANS/1/DOC.5 1994. Harbour porpoise Baltic Sea action plan.

CMS/ASCOBANS/1/INF.2 1994. Proposed Action Plan for harbour porpoises (
Phocoena phocoena) in Swedish waters.

Hammond, P. S., Benke, H., Berggren, P., Borchers, D. L., Buckland, S. T., Collet, A., Heide-Jørgensen, M. P., Heimlich-Boran, S., Hiby, A. R., Leopold, M. P. and Øien, N. 1995. Distribution and abundance of the harbour porpoise and other small cetaceans in the North Sea and adjacent waters. Final report Life 92-2/UK/027.

Harwood, J., Andersen, L.W., Berggren, P., Carlström, J., Kinze, C.C., McGlade, J., Metuzals, K.,Larsen, F., Lockyer, C.H., Northridge, S., Rogan, E., Walton, M., Vinther, M., 1999. Assessment and reduction of the by-catch of small cetaceans (BY-CARE).
Final report FAIR-CT05-0523.


WC. 1996. Report of the 1995 Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. Rep. int. Whal. Commn 46: 49-97 +Annex H.

Tiedemann, R., Harder, J., Gmeiner, C. and Haase, E., 1996. Mitochondrial DNA sequence patterns of Harbour porpises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North and Baltic Seas. Z. Säugetierkunde 61: 104--111.

Wang, J. Y. and Berggren, P., 1997. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of harbour porpoises in the Baltic, Skagerrak and North Seas. Mar. Biol. 127: 531-537.
