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by Graham Watson (ELDR) to the Commission

(11th February 2003)

Subject: Cetacean by-catch

Is the Commission aware of the plight of cetaceans caught as a result of pair trawling mainly for sea bass primarily within the English Channel? Since the beginning of January over 120 dolphins have been washed up on the beaches of my constituency.

A limited observer programme instigated by the UK's Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs in 2001 showed that dolphins were being caught as a by-catch of sea bass, a luxury not a staple food.

Action is vital if we are not to lose cetaceans from our coastlines. They are currently dying a needless death in the quest to satisfy a demand for luxury food.

When I met Commissioner Fischler to discuss this issue in the autumn he assured me that action by the Commission was imminent. What action has been taken since then? What steps does the Commission intend to take to regulate pair-trawling for sea bass? If it cannot be satisfactorily regulated will the Commission confirm that it will be banned until such measures as are necessary are put in place?

When will the Commission take action to initiate an observer scheme for these trawlers working in international waters?


Answer given by Mr Fischler on behalf of the Commission

(25th March 2003)

The Commission is well aware of the problem of dead dolphins being washed ashore on the beaches of Member States, in particular in this winter period in the south of the United Kingdom.

As far as its questions concerning possible measures to regulate pair trawling for sea bass, or to address, in a broader approach, the problem of incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries, the Commission would invite the Honourable Member to refer to its reply to written question P-0500/03 by Mr Davies[1].

The priority of the Commission action is orientated towards addressing the issue of cetacean by-catch within marine waters adjacent to the European territory of the Union. The geographical extent of the proposals under consideration will depend on the fishery concerned, the level of available information on its possible impacts on cetaceans, and the type of measure proposed.

However, on the basis of the information available at this stage on incidental catches of cetaceans, the Commission does not consider the placing of observers on Community vessels using pair trawlers in international waters to be a high priority. In addition, such a measure, if envisaged, should benefit from international co-ordination within the framework of the regional fisheries organisation covering the high seas concerned.
