WRITTEN QUESTION E-0764/03 by Glyn Ford (PSE) to the Commission
(4th March 2003)
Subject: Cetacean by-catch Can the Commission assure us that it will make every effort to ensure that measures proposed in the Commission's Working Document on by-catch will be in place by winter 2003-4? The proposals concern important areas such as restriction on the use of certain fishing gears; the mandatory use of acoustic deterrent devices for certain gill and set net fisheries; on-board cetacean by-catch observer schemes to be organised by Member States for all flagged or registered vessels and; overall monitoring of cetacean incidental catches.
Answer given by Mr Fischler on behalf of the Commission
(24th April 2003)
The Commission will make every effort to propose, as soon as possible, regulatory measures in order to protect cetaceans from being taken as bycatch by fishing vessels. It expects to have the proposals ready before the summer break 2003.
However, the final adoption of such Community legislation rests with the Council of Ministers, after consultation of the Parliament.