"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
Fish farming
Research fuels worry about genetically altered fish and the environment -
13th June 2004
Warning of epidemic in Scottish salmon farms -
2nd June 2004
Higher contaminant levels add fuel to argument for wild fish -
11th January 2004
Toxic salmon faces EU-
wide sales ban -
11th January 2004
Industry defends Scottish salmon -
9th January 2004
Scare over farmed salmon safety -
8th January 2004
Scottish farmed salmon the most contaminated in the world -
8th January 2004
Imported seafood goes untested -
14th September 2003
Protest group sends another smoked salmon labelling complaint to EC -
11th August 2003
Supermarket sales of illegally labelled smoked salmon exposed -
11th August 2003
Contaminated salmon on sale to public -
5th August 2003
Escape of a million farmed fish threatens wild salmon -
3rd August
U.S. Tests of farmed salmon show high levels of PCBs -
30th July 2003
Farmed salmon is said to contain high PCB levels -
30th July 2003
Escaped farm salmon threaten native species -
4th June 2003
Farmed salmon more successful breeders -
2nd June 2003
Salmon farms criticised -
31st May 2003
Collapse in wild salmon – fish farming gets the blame -
30th May 2003
Farmed salmon looking less rosy -
28th May 2003
Suffocating fish is cruel -
“In too Deep” -
3rd May 2003
Grocery chains agree to label farm-
raised salmon -
1st May 2003
Albertsons to post ‘color added’ signs on farmed salmon -
1st May 2003
Marine Harvest Norway has to cut costs -
2nd May 2003
Kroger to add 'color added' labels to all farmed salmon, trout -
30th April 2003
Supermarket salmon watch campaign -
posted 28th April 2003
action suits filed against Safeway, Albertson's and Kroger over farmed salmon colorant -
23rd April 2003
“Color added” signs required for farmed salmon at Oregon supermarkets -
16th April 2003
US Salmon -
FDA responds to public pressure to enforce origin and method of capture labelling -
17th March 2003
Advisory group urges caution on fish farms -
22nd January 2003
Fish A Good Neighbour but a Dangerous Food -
Jackie Alan Giuilano Ph.D
Is Fish farming safe? TIME ONLINE EDITION -
25th November 2002
Wild pink salmon crash blamed on BC fish farm lice -
25th November 2002
Global environmental and public health threat of sea cage fish farming
Canadian study says farmed salmon high in PCBs 17th May 2002
Fish farmers 'blocked' vital safety study 28th February 2002
Norwegian government to have 48% interest in world’s second largest salmon farm 22nd August 2002
Friends of Clayoquot Sound
Displacement of Orca -
Food Fraud: detecting food law cheats 23rd November 2001
The Colour in farmed salmon in British Columbia 14th November 2001
Colour of farmed salmon 14th November 2001
Cage Rage: An inquiry is needed into Scottish Fish Farming 22nd October 2001
Salmon Farming Articles ~ link to “Friends of Blue Hill Bay” Archive ~
Drug resistant human bacteria ~ Alexandra Morton ~ Raincoast Research Society
Human health hazards
Scottish fisheries research laboratory scientists “gagged” by Scottish Executive 7th January 2001
Warnings From the Wild – The Price of Salmon 7th January 2001
Nutreco tumbles on salmon dioxin fears -
5th January 2001
Is Something Fishy Going On? The World and I on line -