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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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New Zealand calls for urgent action on high seas bottom trawling - 14th February 2006

World's largest EEZ marine conservation measure proposed - 14th February 2006

Nearly 50 apply for porpoise spotter jobs - 13th February 2006

Have your say on the future of seafish – 10th February 2006

Research to save dolphins - 9th February 2006

One fish, two fish: New sensor improves fish counts - 2nd February  2006

Fishermen reject calls to ban gill netting - 28th January 2006

Legal action against UK over insufficient cetacean protection - 26th January 2006

Finland to have two compulsory porpoise inspectors - 16th December 2005

NOAA lists Puget Sound orcas as endangered - 15th November 2005

Fishery shut, 19 dolphins killed - 30th August 2005

Commission welcomes Court ruling on continued failure by France to comply with fisheries obligations - 12th July 2005

EU survey reveals consumers willing to pay more for better animal welfare – 8th June 2005

Prevention of Cetacean Bycatch WWF Runner Up Award - 21st April 2005

Winners of international competition to reduce marine bycatch announced - 21st April 2005

EU sabotages protection of deep sea coral - 22nd November 2004

EU, Russia ban some trawling in Northern Atlantic  - 18th November 2004

Action pledge to 'save dolphins'  - 13th November 2004

Canberra threatened over albatross deaths - 11th November 2004

Preliminary report says dolphin tagging 'low risk' - 9th November 2004

Thai Government steps up the protection of dolphins - 6th November 2004  

New Zealander joins Smart Gear competition judging panel - 29th October 2004

RSPCA hails fishermen's initiative - 27th October 2004

Firm may help longliners end orcas' free lunch - 17th October 2004

Trawlers that kill hundreds of dolphins banned from British seas - 28th September 2004

Bradshaw intent on dolphin protection measures - 28th September 2004

Tagged Hector's dolphins transmitting crucial information - 10th August 2004

Countryfile follows up UK Fisheries bass pair trawl ban - 8th August 2004

Pair trawling for sea bass banned - 27th September 2004

UK Fisheries Minister announces pair trawl ban - 27th September 2004

UN panel of experts urges closing fisheries to save sea turtles - 25th June 2004

Welsh proposal to ban jet skiers to protect dolphins - 23rd June 2004

Promoting more environmentally-friendly fishing methods - 21st June 2004

Reducing accidental catch could benefit both fish and fisherman - 14th June 2004

Coalition seeks UN halt to deep sea destruction - 7th June 2004

Bond star launches whale research ship - 6th June 2004

Government wants to slow ships to help right whales - 2nd June 2004

Restaurants & hotels ban sea bass caught by pair trawlers - 31st May 2004

Bycatch excluder devices producing a cleaner shrimp fishery - 28th May 2004

New insight on rare Hector’s dolphins - 7th May 2004

Teachers get a lesson in marine pollution  - 1st May 2004

Porpoises to be taped underwater - 1st May 2004

Sakhalin sea shelf pipeline construction delayed to avert environmental threat - 30th April 2004

Have a flutter and help save the albatross - 27th April 2004

Albatross punters can have a flutter - 27th April 2004

Greasy solution to albatross problem? - 26th April 2004

EU loophole ‘scandal’ risks dolphins’ lives - 25th April 2004

Preventing the collapse of ocean ecosystems by exploitative activities - 14th April 2004

Minister to probe bass fishery veto - 13th April 2004

Stricter regulations aim to protect marine ecosystems - 12th April 2004

Tangled up in blue, fishing lines imperil northern right whale populations - 9th April 2004

New blow in bid to save the dolphins - 6th April 2004

Ocean plan could reduce fishing fleet  - 5th April 2004

Trolling for a market niche, smaller tuna has environmental and health benefits - 4th April 2004

UK finally signs up to save albatross from deadly fishing lines - 4th April 2004

Sea turtles get fishing relief - 1st April 2004

Net Benefits - A sustainable and profitable future for UK fishing  - Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit - March 2004 - pdf 1.14MB

Hope for albatross' survival - 31st March 2004

Australia marks 25 years of anti-whaling - 30th March 2004  

Anger at rules to save dolphins - 24th March 2004

EU decides to better protect dolphins - 23rd March 2004

Scheme to track rare dolphins hits troubled waters - 11th March 2004

Satellite tags to save dolphins - 2nd March 2004

Hector's dolphin and satellite tagging proposals - 24th February 2004

(Dead) dolphin watching in English Channel - 19th February 2004

Plan to curb net fishing is met with resistance - 19th February 2004

MPs back sea bass ban - 3rd February 2004

MPs in plea to save dolphins - 31st January 2004

Dolphin friendly net trials a joke - 30th January 2004

MPs in call for bass fishery closure to protect dolphins and porpoises - 30th January 2004

MPs call for increased protection of dolphins - 30th January 2004

Caught in the net: by-catch of dolphins and porpoises off the UK coast - 30th January 2004 pdf

EU awards Cetacean Bycatch Observer Project contract – 27th January 2003

Greenpeace crew question fishermen - 26th January 2004

Ship sails to protect dolphins from nets - 21st January 2004

Set net ban looms in Kaikoura after mutilated dolphin found - 8th January 2004

Fisheries: more funding, onboard observers needed to count - 5th November 2003

“No Take Zone” proposals for Falmouth, Cornwall - 22nd October 2003

Volunteers needed to help Marine Conservation Centre – 2nd September 2003

Australia acts to combat effects of marine debris on wildlife – 13th August 2003

launches consultation on extending Habitats and Birds Directive - 6th August 2003

Avoiding accidental catches of cetaceans in fishing gear - 28th July 2003

“Pingers” to protect porpoises and dolphins in Baltic - 25th July 2003

Fisheries: Commission acts to protect dolphins and porpoises - 24th July 2003

15th Report of the Scientific, Technical, and Economic Committee for Fisheries -Commission Staff Working Paper - SEC(2003)550 - November 2002 - pub - 12th May 2003 - pdf  - 552KB

Trawlers' deadly toll of dolphins - 12th May 2003

Fear for protection of marine wildlife - 29th April 2003

Dolphin deaths won't stop - 22nd March 2003

Campaigners say dolphin slaughter will not end - 20th March 2003

launches UK Small Cetacean Bycatch Response Strategy - 20th March 2003

Hopes raised of cut in dolphin deaths - 20th march 2003

Could this be the end of the carnage? - 3rd February 2003

New Zealand marine reserve safeguards Southern Islands - 27th January2003

Minister for Fisheries pushes for EU action to protect cetaceans - 23rd January 2003

RSPCA urges action over dead dolphins - 31st December 2002

ICES scientists propose cetacean bycatch reduction measures 9th September 2002

Lawsuit Seeks Protections for Marine Mammals - 14th August 2002

New Project Will Tackle Whale Entanglement 24th July 2002

New Effort Is Begun to Save Dolphins and Whales - 23rd July 2002

New Zealand Sea Lion Autopsy Findings   (Report - 2001 / 2002)

SMRU Document - Reduction of cetacean bycatch in pelagic trawls - 31st May 2002

Fisheries Minister Elliot Morley - European answer to dolphin bycatch problem - 27th February 2002

Scientists call for rules to protect endangered right whale 12th November 2001

The History of the Marine Animal Rescue Coalition UK - 10th March 2001

Bycatch limits needed to conserve Europe's dolphins and porpoises - 14th April 2001

Haul of Shame - RSPCA calls on Government to stop the deaths of porpoises in fishing nets

Keeping the Kingdom - Taipei Review - June 2000  

