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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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EU Commission


Animal welfare and the Treaty of Amsterdam

Borg confirms gradual but sustained approach to fish stock recovery – 22nd December 2005

Legal action against UK over insufficient cetacean protection - 20th December 2005

Thematic Strategy on the Protection and Conservation of the Marine Environment pdf 155KB [COM504] 21st October 2005

Commission welcomes Court ruling on continued failure by France to comply with fisheries obligations - 12th July 2005

Commission launches debate on eco-labelling of fisheries products – 29th June 2005

EU survey reveals consumers willing to pay more for better animal welfare – 8th June 2005

Serious infringements of the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy in 2003 - 30th May 2005

Commission calls for urgent improvement in CFP compliance – 30th May 2005

Commission decides not to ban pair trawls - 23rd April 2005

EU sabotages protection of deep sea coral - 22nd November 2004

Promoting more environmentally-friendly fishing methods - EC DG Fisheries - pdf 152KB - 21st June 2004

EU decides to better protect dolphins - 23rd March 2004

Fishermen in talks on future of fleet  - 27th January 2004

EU fish quotas dispute meeting arranged - 27th January 2004

EU scientists legalize controversial herbicide - 6th October 2003

EU fisheries policy an outrage - 6th October 2003

Commission proposes EU action to protect European eels - 2nd October 2003

Commission pursues legal action against eight Member States - 24th July 2003

Background Notes for Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 11&12 June 2003 - 6th June 2003

European Commission proposes criminal sanctions for polluting ships - 5th March 2003

Commission decides new rules on colouring feed additive - 27th January 2003