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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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Trammel Nets

Trammel nets

Trammel Nets ~ (Courtesy of the Scottish Executive)

Fishing capture gears and methods (UN Ocean Atlas World Fish fish capture technology)

Fishing methods (Marine Conservation Society Fishonline Website)

Fishing Gear types - (FIGIS - Fisheries Global Information System)

Scientist warns of threat to last stronghold of endangered turtle -  8th March 2006

Public outraged at assault on sea turtle protections - 3rd March 2006

Marine ecologists to help rebuild decreasing fish stocks - 16th February 2006

Have your say on the future of seafish – 10th February 2006

Detective work needed on which nets kill dolphins - 23rd January 2006

Legal action against UK over insufficient cetacean protection - 20th December 2005

Prevention of Cetacean Bycatch WWF Runner Up Award - 21st April 2005

Winners of international competition to reduce marine bycatch announced - 21st April 2005

Anger at rules to save dolphins - 24th March 2004

EU decides to better protect dolphins - 23rd March 2004

Set net ban looms in Kaikoura after mutilated dolphin found - 8th January 2004

North Sea fish have shrunk - 25th September 2003

JNCC recommends “Set aside fifth of Irish Sea for nature”- 14th September 2003

Dolphin meat eaters in France? - 20th August 2003

Fishermen turn violent as quotas force wage cuts - 16th August 2003

Australia acts to combat effects of marine debris on wildlife – 13th August 2003

Nearly 1,000 whales drowning daily in fishing nets: study - 15th June 2003
