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Numerical > Alphabetical Listing

15th Report of the Scientific, Technical, and Economic Committee for Fisheries -Commission Staff Working Paper - SEC(2003)550 - November 2002 - pub - 12th May 2003 - pdf  - 552KB

Twenty-Fifth Report of the Select Committee on European Union - Progress of Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy - House Lords - 13th May 2003

America’s Living Oceans - Chartering a Course for Sea Change - Pew Oceans Commission - May 2003 - (pdf - 5.5MB)

Caught in the net: by-catch of dolphins and porpoises off the UK coast - Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee - 30th January 2004 - pdf 309KB

Characterization of Two Influenza A Viruses from a Pilot Whale - HINSHAW V.S. et al
Journal of Virology p. 655-656, May 1986 - pdf - 359KB

Criminal Penalties in EU Member States’ Environmental Law  - Faure G.M & Heine G. - 4th October 2002 - pdf 1.3MB

Cycle of harm: Mercury’s Pathway from Rain to Fish in the Environment - Kuiken T. And Stadler F. - 2nd May 2003 (pdf - 479KB)

Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: 2002-2010 Conservation Action Plan for the World's Cetaceans  - IUCN 2003 - pdf - 2.05MB

Farming the Sea, Costing the Earth (Why we must green the blue revolution) - EJF Report - May 2004 - pdf - 4.03MB

Fishing for Trouble - US PIRG Edn. Fdn. - Corrigan Z. - June 2003

Gas-bubble lesions in stranded cetaceans.  Jepson et al. Nature – Vol 425 p575-6  9th October 2003 - pdf 116KB

Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems - Jackson J. et al - 27th July 2001- pdf 389KB

Incidental Catches of Small Cetaceans - (SGFEN ) - Commission Staff Working Paper SEC(2002) 376 - December 2001 - pdf 545KB

Indiscriminate Slaughter at Sea  - Audubon Society - Posted 18th May 2003

Joint Interim Report - Bahamas Marine Mammal Stranding Event 15-16 March 2000- pdf 1.53MB - pub. December 2001

"Marine Environment" House of Commons - EFRA Committee - Sixth Report of Session 2003-2004 - Published 21st March 2004 (pdf - 427KB)

Money talks: Economic Aspects of Marine Turtle Use and Conservation - 25th May 2004 - (pdf ~ 2.56Mb).

Monitoring the catch of turtles in the Northern Prawn Fishery  - July 2002

Net Benefits - A sustainable and profitable future for UK fishing  - Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit - March 2004 - pdf 1.14MB

Performance Assessment of Underwater Setting Chutes, Side Setting, and Blue-Dyed Bait to Minimize Seabird Mortality in Hawaii Longline Tuna and Swordfish Fisheries - August 2003 (pdf - 666KB)

Potential Mitigation Measures for Reducing the By-catches of Small Cetaceans in ASCOBANS Waters - READ Dr. A J December 2002 - link to MSWord & pdf documents

Promoting more environmentally-friendly fishing methods - EC DG Fisheries - pdf 152KB

Reduction of cetacean bycatch in pelagic trawls MF0733 - Final Report - 31st May 2002 MS Word doc(418KB)

Reduction of cetacean bycatch in pelagic trawls - MF0733 - Final Report -  31st May 2002 (pdf ~ 49KB)

Recent use of Fish Aggregating Devices in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery 1990-94 (Revised March 1996) {LJ-96-02}: Armstrong W.A. [pdf379KB]

A Review of Potential Infectious Disease Threats to Southern Resident
Killer Whales - Gaydos J.K., Balcomb K.C. et al - pdf - 174KB

Shifting Gears - MCBI Report Widely used fishing gear causes severe marine environmental damage-  pdf 4MB - posted 19th May 2003

Thematic Strategy on the Protection and Conservation of the Marine Environment [COM(2005)504 final] 24th October 2005
