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Fish Farming

The adverse effects of sea cage fish farming on cetacean populations ~ ECBC fact sheet







Scottish greens: aquaculture not environmentally sustainable - 3rd December 2004

Research fuels worry about genetically altered fish and the environment - 13th June 2004

Farming not salvation as tuna face new threat - 9th June 2004

Move fish farms onto land to control contaminants - 3rd June 2003

Warning of epidemic in Scottish salmon farms - 2nd June 2004

The shocking environmental cost of the West's love of shrimps - 25th May 2004

EJF exposes shrimp farms harm poor nations - 19th May 2004

Higher contaminant levels add fuel to argument for wild fish - 11th January 2004

Toxic salmon faces EU-wide sales ban - 11th January 2004

Industry defends Scottish salmon - 9th January 2004

Scare over farmed salmon safety - 8th January 2004

Scottish farmed salmon the most contaminated in the world - 8th January 2004

Deep ocean & coastal anchovies are genetically different species - 13th October 2003

Developing nations are “set to dominate world fishing” - 3rd October 2003

Anchovies, a wasted resource - 15th September 2003

Imported seafood goes untested - 14th September 2003

Scientists highlight fish 'intelligence' - 31st August 2003

Protest group sends another smoked salmon labelling complaint to EC - 11th August 2003

Supermarket sales of illegally labelled smoked salmon exposed - 11th August 2003

Contaminated salmon on sale to public - 5th August 2003

Escape of a million farmed fish threatens wild salmon - 3rd August

U.S. Tests of farmed salmon show high levels of PCBs - 30th July 2003

Farmed salmon is said to contain high PCB levels - 30th July 2003

Court thumbs down to farmers' compensation bid - 11th July 2003

Sainsbury’s caught hoodwinking customers - 13th June2003

Escaped farm salmon threaten native species - 4th June 2003

Farmed salmon more successful breeders - 2nd June 2003

Collapse in wild salmon – fish farming gets the blame - 30th May 2003

Farmed salmon looking less rosy - 28th May 2003

Farmed fish, dyed, desexed and a threat to the planet - 11th May 2003

Suffocating fish is cruel - “In too Deep” - 3rd May 2003

Marine Harvest Norway has to cut costs - 2nd May 2003

New strategy targets Tanzania’s coastal problems - 25th April 2003

Peruvian activist takes on the fishmeal industry - 18th April 2003

US Salmon - FDA responds to public pressure to enforce origin and method of capture labelling - 17th March 2003

Mangrove ecosystem endangered as forests are converted to aquaculture - posted 9th March 2003

Murder, terror and environmental destruction fuel international prawn trade - posted 28th February 2003

Aquaculture growth now outpaces other food production industries, (UN) - 20th February 2003

Fish farming is 'devastating stocks' - 18th February2003

British Columbia tells fish farms to suspend operations - 7th February 2003

Genetically modified fish - increase in quantity presents risk to environment 4th February 2003

High hopes for Scottish 'fish ranch' - 2nd February 2003

Commission decides new rules on colouring feed additive - 27th January 2003

Eye concerns prompt additive action - 27th January 2003

‘Secret’ Strategy Exposed
Scottish Executive mislead both Parliament and public over aquaculture consultation - 22nd January 2003

Advisory group urges caution on fish farms - 22nd January 2003

Future Fish - Issues in Science and Regulation of Transgenic Fish - 15th January 2003 slow download- pdf

Transgenic fish proves a regulatory riddle- January 15, 2003

Balancing shrimp and mangroves in Ecuador - 3rd January 2003

Toxic fish from Baltic make it to Australian shores - 2nd January 2003

Swedish herring delivered to Australian tuna farms - 11th December 2002

Global warming brings new cash crop for fishermen - 10th December 2002

Cage Rage: An inquiry is needed into Scottish Fish Farming - 22nd October 2002

Problems arising from intensive salmon and trout farming – CIWF Submission to Scottish Executive

In Too Deep ~ CIWF 2001 Report ~ Fish welfare problems arising from the intensive farming of salmon and trout

Irish company to farm seahorses for human consumption October 2002

Environment Committee urges Scottish Executive leadership on aquaculture issues - 27th June 2002

WWF report says tuna farming will strike deathblow to Mediterranean tuna - 11th April 2002

Ecological Footprint of Shrimp Farming in the Chilaw Lagoon - (Biodiversity Conservation in Sri Lankan Coastal Wetlands) - April 2002 - pdf

Iraqi vet says depleted uranium killing fish - 25th March 2002

Search for BSE type disease turns to fish farms- 15th March 2002

Commission tables strategy for fish farming to benefit jobs consumers and environment 19th February 2002

Supermarkets & fish mongers flouting EU law as they fear drop in sales of farmed fish 17th February 2002

Marine Mammals and Aquaculture: Conflicts and Potential Resolutions - Würzig and Gailey pdf

Dichlorvos ~ Judicial review of registration procedures News Release 11 December 2001

Salmon Farming Articles ~ link to “Friends of Blue Hill Bay” Archive ~

Drug resistant human bacteria ~ Alexandra Morton ~ Raincoast Research Society

Nutreco tumbles on salmon dioxin fears - 5th January 2001

Dolphin mortalities in tuna feedlots near Port Lincoln, South Australia - Spring 2000

Greenpeace Report on Industrial Fisheries - From Fish to Fodder

Greenpeace Report - Fishing for Farm Feeds and Fertilizers

Effects of Aquaculture on World Fish Supplies

Malaysia: Each prawn produced represents a teardrop

The explosion of shrimp farming & the negative impacts on people and the environment - Shrimp - The Devastating Delicacy Greenpeace - May 1997
