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"Man is but a strand in the complex web of life"
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Fish Labelling

METRO Group, world’s 3rd largest retailer actively promotes sustainable fishery – 13th February 2006

WTO ruling irrelevant Europe staying closed to GMOs, predicts Greenpeace -7th February 2006

ASDA seafood policy turnaround  - 17th January 2006

Commission launches debate on eco-labelling of fisheries products – 29th June 2005

Ecolabelling schemes to support sustainable fisheries get a boost - 23rd March 2005

Trolling for a market niche, smaller tuna has environmental and health benefits - 4th April 2004

Exploitation is the price of cheaper food, says Oxfam - 9th February 2004

Levels of toxins in fish continue to give cause for concern - 26th January 2004

Developing nations are “set to dominate world fishing” - 3rd October 2003

Imported seafood goes untested - 14th September 2003

Protest group sends another smoked salmon labelling complaint to EC - 11th August 2003

Supermarket sales of illegally labelled smoked salmon exposed - 11th August 2003

Contaminated salmon on sale to public - 5th August 2003

Sea-Friendly Eating - 26th July 2003

Activist group warns of unsafe mercury in tuna - 20th June 2003

Sainsbury’s caught hoodwinking customers - 13th June2003

Waitrose accused over salmon labelling - 4th June 2003

Marine Stewardship Council's approvals "strain the organisation's credibility" - 21st May 2003

Ocean friendly label failing to protect stocks – 20th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - In deep trouble, we need a sure-fire way to stop fish being hunted to extinction - 17th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - Old men of the sea have all but gone - 17th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - Can ocean friendly labels save dwindling stocks? -17th May 2003

Can ocean friendly labels save dwindling stocks? -17th May 2003

Grocery chains agree to label farm-raised salmon - 1st May 2003

Albertsons to post ‘color added’ signs on farmed salmon - 1st May 2003

Sodexho sees opportunity in sustainable food - 30th April 2003

Kroger to add 'color added' labels to all farmed salmon, trout - 30th April 2003