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Ecological effects of fishing in marine environments
Archive (July 1989 to December 2003)

Mission Impossible - Protecting our marine environment - 23rd December 2003

More dolphins fall victim to UK trawlers - 15th December 2003

Biodiversity Strategy report a wake-up call for NZ - 4th December 2003

Trawlers seized near nesting site of Olive Ridley turtles - 3rd December 2003

Ministers agree to fight against illegal fishing - 26th November 2003

International Coalition calls for immediate UN Moratorium - 24th November 2003

WWF warns of dolphin slaughter in Mediterranean - 21st November 2003

Illegal driftnets continue to kill thousands of dolphins - 19th November 2003

Annan calls for environmental protection on Galapagos visit - 9th November 2003

Fisheries: more funding, onboard observers needed to count - 5th November 2003

Scientists still seek ban on cod catches - 25th October 2003

Fishermen's cod claims backed by new research - 24th October 2003

EU is failing to halt over fishing in Africa, says WWF - 23rd October 2003

Marine life census releases first figures - 23rd October 2003

Fishing chiefs challenge EU cod plan - 23rd October 2003

“No Take Zone” proposals for Falmouth, Cornwall - 22nd October 2003

Cod catch ban could kill fleet - 21st October 2003

Streamer Lines to Reduce Seabird Bycatch in Longline Fisheries 2000 - update 21st October 2003 update (pdf - 102KB)

Scientific advice confirms Fisheries Commission fears - 20th October 2003

Ices advises zero catches of cod and other fish stocks - 20th October 2003

North Sea faces collapse of its ecosystem - 19th October 2003

Dumped dead fish are marine pollutant - 18th October 2003

Longline method may help prevent albatross hookings - 15th October 2003

Dead dolphins reported in Kaipara may have starved - 15th October 2003

Deep ocean & coastal anchovies are genetically different species - 13th October 2003

EU fisheries policy an outrage - 6th October 2003

Ministers plan allows more sea lion deaths - 7th October 2003

Fishing method eyed in mammals’ deaths - 4th October 2003

Latest deaths of whales add to the mystery - 4th October 2003

Developing nations are “set to dominate world fishing” - 3rd October 2003

Commission proposes EU action to protect European eels - 2nd October 2003

EU launches action plan to save threatened fish - 30th September 2003

North Sea fish have shrunk - 25th September 2003

Temperature rise destroys Indian Ocean surface coral - 18th September 2003

Overfishing could spell the end of caviar- 18th September 2003

Scientists investigate mysterious squid deaths - 17th September 2003

Dolphin psychology may be similar to humans' - 15th September 2003

Anchovies, a wasted resource - 15th September 2003

JNCC recommends “Set aside fifth of Irish Sea for nature”- 14th September 2003

New South Wales to provide special protection for albino humpback - 14th September 2003

Scientists highlight fish 'intelligence' - 31st August 2003

Anchovies abandon Bay of Biscay for warm British waters - 30th August 2003

Trawlers threaten ocean’s biodiversity - 30th August 2003

Toothfish saga highlights plight of world fisheries - 27th August 2003

Cod logic - scientific fish stock control or economic suicide? - 22nd August 2003

Fleet in crisis as fish quotas dry up - 21st August 2003

Fishing ban aims to save Scottish reef - 21st August 2003

Dolphin meat eaters in France? - 20th August 2003

Please help stop Scottish fishermens’ cruel “Guga hunt” - 18th August 2003

New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries plans to allow more sea lion killing - 17th August 2003

Coral reefs doomed, overfishing is killing ecosystems - 16th August 2003

Iceland's whale fleet sails into storm of protest - 16th August 2003

Fishermen turn violent as quotas force wage cuts - 16th August 2003

Bad weather conditions have prevented Icelandic whaling resumption - 16th August 2003

Coral reefs “will die in decades” unless protected - 15th August 2003

Protest over Iceland's whaling plans - 15th August 2003

Albatross left for dead - 14th August 2003

Australia acts to combat effects of marine debris on wildlife – 13th August 2003

Whaling & eco-sensitive issues, advice from Commissioner Fischler to Iceland - 11th August 2003

Fischler objects to Iceland resumption of whaling - 11th August 2003

Search for whale is abandoned - 9th August 2003

Hopes to resume search for entangled whale - 9th August 2003

Failed fishing policies prompt more illegal catches - 7th August 2003

Scientists call for “national parks” of the oceans - 7th August 2003

South African seafood leads to conspiracy charges for five - 7th August 2003

launches consultation on extending Habitats and Birds Directive - 6th August 2003

Whale still caught in net - 5th August 2003

Fresh bid to free trapped whale from trawl net- 5th August 2003

Toxic algae suspected cause of humback deaths - 4th August 2003

Illegal driftnetting off the Island of Ischia - (posted) 2nd August 2003

Conservation as the catch of the day for trawl nets - 31st July 2003

Has the sea given up its bounty? - 30th July 2003

Australia seeks to stop decline in marine turtles - 30th July 2003

Madagascar’s Marine World - Magical but Fragile - 29th July 2003

Catch Zero - Marine ecosystems face a deepening crisis - 26th July 2003

Sea-Friendly Eating - 26th July 2003

Police investigate mystery deaths of 48 dolphins - 26th July 2003

Mexican aquatic park allows inspection - 24th July 2003

Captured Solomon Island dolphins swim at the Nizuc Aquatic Park - 24th July 2003

Row over dolphin export becomes explosive - 24th July 2003

Dolphin trade killing reef, warn villagers - 24th July 2003

Fisheries: Commission acts to protect dolphins and porpoises - 24th July 2003

EU plans for dolphin-friendly Baltic - 23rd July 2003

Rainforests of the sea ravaged by overfishing and pollution - 18th July 2003

Rare dolphin washed up on beach - 16th July 2003

Rescue team saves Twinkle - again - 15th July 2003

Documentary stirs movement to release Seaquarium's killer whale - 14th July 2003

Mauritanian beaches full of dead dolphins - 1st July 2003

Bycatch causes mass deaths of dolphins and turtles - 20th June 2003

Whales seen safer after Berlin whaling summit - 20th June 2003

Whale watchers demand voice at world whaling body - 20th June 2003

Dead porpoises disrupt Berlin whaling meeting - 20th June 2003

Bycatch porpoises delivered to IWC in Berlin - 19th June 2003

Diver lost trying to free trapped whale - 17th June 2003

Dolphin dies after being rescued in Galveston - 17th June 2003

Nearly 1,000 whales drowning daily in fishing nets: study - 15th June 2003

Baltic states meet to save dwindling fish stocks - 9th June 2003

Why dolphins get trapped in nets - 18th June 2003

How Greenland is helping wild salmon - 9th June 2003

Species and ecosystem extinction; a direct consequence of human presence - 5th June 2003

Upcoming reports link human well-being and nature - 5th June 2003

Rare turtles spared in Albanian conservation plan - 4th June 2003

Coastal Waters: A Pattern of Distress - posted 4th June 2003

Fishermen angry at bid to close off more of reef - 3rd June 2003

UN Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and Law of Sea - 2nd June 2003

Plan to lock up 30 per cent of Barrier Reef - 2nd June 2003

Acting globally to reclaim the oceans' bounty - 2nd June 2003

Large fish are becoming scarce - 2nd June 2003

The looming fish crisis - 30th May 2003

Hoki sales under threat because of poor quality - 29th May 2003

What REALLY happens to dolphins in the Mexican tuna fisheries - posted 28th May 2003

Oceans in peril, seas polluted and fish stocks in decline - 27th May 2003

Canada - Federal mismanagement blamed for Newfoundland fishery collapse - 27th May 2003

UK launches environment fund for eastern Europe - 26th May 2003

Why dolphins are paying the price of your sea bass dinner - 25th May 2003

Grave risk to humans from loss of species - extinction rates threaten our survival – 22 May 2003

Row as Hong Kong company is accused of plundering Bikini Atoll sharks - 22nd May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council's approvals "strain the organisation's credibility" - 21st May 2003

Eco soundings - Controversial approvals strain MSC credibility - 21st May 2003

The First International Baltic Harbour Porpoise Day - 19th May 2003

MCBI reports that fishing gear causes severe damage to marine environment - posted 19th May 2003

Indiscriminate Slaughter at Sea - Posted 18th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - In deep trouble, we need a sure-fire way to stop fish being hunted to extinction - 17th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - Old men of the sea have all but gone - 17th May 2003

Marine Stewardship Council under fire - Can ocean friendly labels save dwindling stocks? -17th May 2003

The dead sea cells - industrialised greed ends harvest of the deep - 17th May 2003

International Day of the Baltic Harbour Porpoise - 17th May 2003 - posted 15th May 2003

Florida chefs give up Chilean sea bass - 16th May 2003

Small cetacean species may not survive another decade - 14th May 2003

River dolphins could die out in 10 years - 14th May 2003

Great fish going the way of the dinosaurs - 14th May 2003

Ocean's great fish all but gone - 14th May 2003

15th Report of the Scientific, Technical, and Economic Committee for Fisheries -Commission Staff Working Paper - SEC(2003)550 - November 2002 - pub - 12th May 2003 - pdf - 552KB

Fishing leader wants seal cull to protect cod stocks - 12th May 2003

Japan rejects shark, sea horse trade restrictions - 12th May 2003

Iceland vodka baron buys off drift-net fishermen to save British wild salmon - 11th May 2003

Hopes rise for albatrosses - 8th May 2003

New rules for Chilean sea bass fall short, environmentalists say - 2nd May 2003

More success for NASF`s campaign to restore wild salmon stocks - 2nd May 2003

Asian shark-fin trade may be larger than expected - 28th April 2003

New strategy targets Tanzania’s coastal problems - 25th April 2003

Canada puts end to Atlantic cod fishery - 24th April 2003

Stripping the oceans to feed cats - 20th April 2003

Marine creatures threatened by trawlers - 18th April 2003

Pacific Council imposes devastating emergency limits on trawl fishery - 14th April 2003

Shellfish licensing will safeguard vital stocks - 4th April 2003

For £118 a dolphin dies - 1st April 2003

Weakening of the Dolphin Safe tuna label - Sam LaBudde footage narrated by Bill Snape - March 2003

Cut fishing to save dolphins - 26th March 2003

Future of marine mammals under spotlight - 20th March 2003

Environmental groups criticize federal bycatch plan - 17th March 2003

Nets threaten to wipe out dolphins - 16th March 2003

Recent video footage of dolphins deaths in tuna purse seine nets - 12th March 2003

Modern mariners threaten albatross with extinction - 12th Mar 2003

Dolphin killed by explosives used for fishing - 12th March 2003

Conservationists warn grey nurse shark faces extinction - 10th March 2003

Mangrove ecosystem endangered as forests are converted to aquaculture - posted 9th March 2003

Cod fishery may be finished - 6th March 2003

Strong support for firmer action against IUU fishing - 3rd March 2003

The vaquita (IUCN Red list assessed in 1996) still critically endangered - posted 25th February 2003

Troubled waters exposed - 25th February 2003

Oceans at risk - the real cost of a prawn sandwich - 19th February 2003

Ocean crisis caused by destructive fishing - 18th February 2003

Fish farming is 'devastating stocks' - 18th February2003

Australia launches study of sharks, rays, and sawfish - 17th February 2003

Leatherbacks extinct in 30 years - 17th February 2003

British corals in decline despite marine park protection - 15th February 2003

Human race is killing planet, says Meacher - 14th February 2003

Prawn net cuts cod catch - 12th February 2003

Loss of top predators a disturbing trend - 11th February 2003

French bass fishing blamed for increase in dolphin deaths - 11th February 2003

Trawlers ripping up British coral - 9th February 2003

Thousands of Turtles Are Dying As a Result of Bycatch - posted 3rd February 2003

Trawlers blamed for dolphin deaths - 30th January 2003

Lifeline thrown to endangered sea turtles - 24th January 2003

Shark Populations Plunge in North Atlantic - 21st January 2003

Atlantic sharks decimated by fishing - 16th January 2003

Scientists warn of dwindling Nova Scotia cod stocks - 14th January 2003

Dealing with POLLUTION from SHIPS - 9th January 2003 - pdf

Scallop fishermen dredge up court challenge - 3rd January 2003

Balancing shrimp and mangroves in Ecuador - 3rd January 2003

Murder, terror and environmental destruction fuel international prawn trade - December 2002

MSC Hoki appeal shows fishery should never have been certified 16th December 2002

Sustainable Seafood Found to Be Cost Effective 12th December 2002

Scotland's dolphins driven to attack scientists in desperate hunt for food

Sea horses given protected status by UN body - 15th November 2002

Overfishing is degrading the seas and coasts around the UK - 6th November 2002

Environmental effects of marine fisheries - pdf 175KB - 4th November 2002

Oceans need a broader management perspective - 29th October 2002

Killers tune in for tuna - 7th October 2002

Sea cage fish farming: evaluation of environmental and public health aspects - Don Staniford - 1st October 2002

Migratory Birds and Animals Championed in Bonn - 18th September 2002

Summit: Restoration of Fisheries by 2015 Agreed - 28th August 2002

Africa's lost fish - 28th August 2002

Marine ecosystems collapse when predators are removed - 21st August 2002

Commercial fishing practices can reduce genetic diversity in fish populations - 14th August 2002

Trawl nets destroy UK's coral reefs 9th August 2002

Fishing Threatens Top of Ocean Food Chain - 5th August 2002

Monitoring the catch of turtles in the Northern Prawn Fishery - July 2002

British fishing industry threatens rare dolphins - 16th July 2002

Only white dolphin in captivity dies in Central China - 15th July 2002

SMRU Report “Observations in the bass pair trawl fishery in the Channel January to March 2001” - MS Word Download 418KB- pub May 2002

New Zealnd Sea Lion Autopsy Findings 2001/2002

Jellyfish blooms could be sign of ailing seas - 6th May 2002

Trawlers devastate seabed ~ marine ecologists ignored.

350 Dolphins found dead on English Channel shores - 31st January 2002

Overfishing by industrial fleets exploits renewable resources

Rare dolphins threatened by trawlers - 31st January 2002

The Numbers are Killing Us - Incorrect interpretation of statistics

Are bottlenose dolphins starving in eastern Ionian Greece?

Global environmental and public health threat of sea cage fish farming

North Sea Fish & Fisheries - Strategic Environmental Assessment - August 2001 - 3.5MB pdf

The battle for West Africa's fish - 1st August 2001

Streamer Lines to Reduce Seabird Bycatch in Longline Fisheries 2000 - October 2003 update

(pdf - 102KB)

Fish consumption and aquatic ecosystems

Factors Influencing the Non-natural Mortality of Cetaceans - Abstract Rosel 1997

Scottish salmon in “extinction vortex”

The explosion of shrimp farming & the negative impacts on people and the environment - Shrimp - The Devastating Delicacy Greenpeace - May 1997

Effects on the seabed sediment from beam trawling in the North Sea - Leth and Kuijpers (ICES CONFERENCE 1996)

The Destruction of dolphins by Kenneth Brower - July 1989

Ecological effects of fishing in marine environments
