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Low frequency active sonar (LFAS)
effect on marine mammals


Article “SONAR and Cetaceans” by Alan Stuart

Campaign against low frequency active SONAR - Petition

Effects of Human-made Sound on the Behavior of Whales – The Low-Frequency Active Sonar (LFA) Research Program

Gas-bubble lesions in stranded cetaceans. Jepson et al. Nature – Vol 425 p575-6 9th October 2003 - pdf 116KB

Military SONAR - A threat to whales? - link to Guardian Interactive Guide

“Lethal Sounds” - link to Natural Resources Defense Council video

Protecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar - link to Natural Resources Defense Council video

Report for Congress - Active Military Sonar and Marine Mammals: Events and References Updated 3rd November 2005- pdf 69KB

Impact of Sonar on Cetaceans (Ices Ad-Hoc Group) - June 2005 - pdf.1.4MB

ICES Answer to DG Environment request on scientific information concerning impact of sonar activities on cetacean populations - February 2005 - pdf 52KB

Protecting cetaceans from the harmful effects of man-made ocean noise - 12th November 2004

European Parliament calls for halt to high intensity naval sonar use - 28th October 2004

Seaflow works to make the oceans quieter and safer for marine creatures - 8th October 2004

Royal Navy admits SONAR 2087 is a potential whale killer - 28th September 2004

Whales at risk in sonar sea exercises - 8th August 2004

Navy sonar exercises under fire over potential effects on whales - 12th July 2004

Scientists listen to whale hearing using hydrophones - 25th June 2004

Marine mammals are at risk from human influences - 24th May 2004

Beached sperm whale dies on sand bank - 22nd March 2004

Volunteers postpone rescue efforts - 21st March 2004

Harbor porpoise strandings & USS Shoup SONAR (preliminary report) - 9th February 2004

Seismic link possible in marine decline - 17th January 2004

Rumsfeld defends use of sonar to Okinawans - 17th November 2003

Military sonar systems linked to whale deaths - 10th October 2003

Whale deaths linked to the bends - 9th October 2003

Navy sonars blamed for beached whales - 9th October 2003

Sonar implicated in gas bubble lesions found in stranded cetaceans - 9th October 2003

Was sonar responsible for whale deaths after an Atlantic military exercise? (pdf 116KB)- 9th October 2003

Scientists split over regulations on sonar use - 9th October 2003

Navy sonar affecting whales - 8th October 2003

Military SONAR may give whales the bends, study says - 8th October 2003

Military sonar may give whales the bends - 8th October 2003

Hearing will explore effects of Navy sonar on marine life - 25th September 2003

Spanish navy shocks blamed for giant squid deaths - 19th September 2003

Very low-frequency or Infrasound shown to produce weird sensations - 7th September 2003

US Navy's mid-frequency sonar could harm divers - 30th August 2003

Federal Court restricts global deployment of Navy sonar - 26th August 2003

Sonar tests linked to porpoise deaths - 11th August 2003

Evidence indicates ultra-loud active sonar systems deadly to marine life - 23rd July 2003

Sound may affect fish despite some claims to the contrary - 3rd July 2003

Puget Sound porpoise deaths probed - 16th May 2003

Navy admits using sonar in strait - 15th May 2003

Could Navy Sonar Tests Be Hurting Porpoises? - link to komo4News video- 12th May 2003

Contact Senators and Representatives about the effects of Navy sonar blasts on cetaceans in the Pacific Northwest - 12th May 2003

Stop the Navy noise - Earth Island Institute's campaign to stop further exemptions military exemptions from federal laws - posted 11th May 2003

Navy sonar may have spooked orcas, porpoises - 9th May 2003

Navy sonar incident alarms experts - 8th May 2003

U.S. destroyer's sonar probed as cause of whale disturbance - 7th May 2003

Tiny bubbles and military sonars give cetaceans "the bends" - April 2003

Baird’s beaked whale stranded at La Push - draft report 2nd February 2003

Judge bars use of experimental sonar in tracking gray whales - 25th January 2003

US Judge blocks research project to track whales - 24th January 2003

Euro MPs stand up for dolphins – 23rd January 2003

"Sonar Victims" Transcript of SBS Australia DATELINE programme - 22nd January 2003

Federal judge halts sonar testing that disorients gray whales - 9th January 2003

Animal groups seek temporary restraining order in US Federal District Court - 8th January 2003

The California Gray Whales need immediate help

The Mystery of the Killing Sound 8th December 2002

Group says beaked whales at risk - 30th November 2002

Controversial Navy Sonar Cleared for Limited Testing - 18th November 2002

Royal Navy 'secretly' testing sonar blamed for mass deaths of whales - 10th November 2002

Federal Court blocks US Navy SONAR system - 31st October 2002

Death knell - Naval SONAR / LFAS implicated in whale deaths - 30th October 2002

Whales strand themselves during NATO exercises - 27th September 2002

More science needed on ocean noise - 10th March 2002

Giving whales and dolphins 'the bends' - 17 December 2001

Joint Interim Report - Bahamas Marine Mammal Stranding Event 15-16 March 2000- pdf 1.53MB - pub. December 2001

Displacement of Orca by High Amplitude Sound ~ Morton A.B. & Symonds H.K. - 31st October 2001 - pdf-275kB

Sea Animals and Sound by Michael Stocker - 2nd March 2001

Beneath the Silent Sea by Michael Stocker - September 2000

Noisy neighbourhood changes whale song - 22 June 2000

Bahamas Stranding of Cuvier's Beaked Whales - March 15, 2000
